Me, my self and I
Okay, what can I say about my self? Let's answer with a list: 100 things about Andi
- My name is Andreas1) but I like to be called Andi
- I've been born and live in Berlin, Germany
- I studied applied computer science
- I work as a project manager in software development
- I drink a lot of coffee
- I don't like sports
- I prefer T-Shirts and hate suits
- My first computer was my father's
286 CPU; 40MB HDD; 4 MB
- I'm only good at things I enjoy (or maybe the other way round)
I have no drivers licenseI made my drivers license with 32- I'm not a vegetarian
- I get a few hundred emails per month (excluding spam) but only answer a few dozen
- I used to own about 350 books and have read much more, but I got rid of most of them because I rarely reread a book
- I usually have a few coding project ideas in my mind but can't find the time to start on them
- When I finally start, I usually finish the first working prototype after a weekend of mad coding
- I'm not a business person
- I'm not a public talker
- I can't believe how hard it is to make a 100 item list about myself
- I love to take photographs but am not keen to be photographed, but that has gotten better
- I like cataloging things, but am a very disorderly person
- I'm an information junkie (currently about 100 feeds in my feedreader)
- I'm an Atheist (but if I'd need to pick a religion I'd go for Pastafarian)
- My eyes went worse in the last years and I need to wear glasses now
- Most people don't like most of the music I like
- I consider stock trading as gambling but sometimes wonder if I should invest
- I'm often impatient with others
- I had several pets in my youth: birds, mice, rats, a hamster and a rabbit
- Sometimes I think my acrophobia gets worse the older I become, but I usually just ignore it
- I didn't serve in the army but did alternative service
- My physical education teacher once told me that I will not reach the age of 45
- I always wanted a robot
but still don't have oneand now have a Roomba - I'd love to see the earth from space one day, but doubt it will happen
- I question things people tell me until I read them somewhere my self
- I often wrongly assume people must know of something when I've heard of it at least twice
- I prefer Intel CPUs over AMD ones for no apparent reason
- When I was young I was very interested in astronomy but have forgotten most of it now
- I collected empty beer cans once but stopped at about 370 pieces
- I coded in Basic, Turbo Pascal, Bash, Java, C, C++, C#, Delphi, Perl, PHP, Python and JavaScript so far, but I'd like to add Ruby one day
- I prefer Scotch over Irish Whiskey
- I don't care for soccer but enjoy snooker on the TV
- A few people think I share some characteristics with Gromit
- My favourite colour is black and if you say that's not a color, I compromise on blue
- I can't decide between British and American spelling
- My name was worth 6583 Ego Points on of those silly Web 2.0 sites that has long vanished since
- I'm right handed
- My idea of being famous is to be asked for an interview on Slashdot
- I love silly personality tests on the net
- I often suffer from the Not Invented Here syndrome
- Pirates are way cooler than ninjas in my opinion
- My favourite desktop environment is XFCE
- AFAIR I went online 1996, mailboxes first2), the Internet came 1997
- I like silly cartoons like Sponge Bob, the stranger the better
- I like traveling
- I used to be a geocacher but somehow mostly lost interest
- According to the Discordian Calendar I was born on Sweetmorn, the 59th day of the Aftermath in the YOLD 3174
- I have a small dent on the back of my head. My Grandma had the same.
- I woke up one night in Tokyo because the toilet was making funny noises – turned out to be an earthquake. My first.
- GTD systems don't work for me.
- I can never decide between a spicy Curry Chicken and Chicken Saag at the Indian restaurant.
- I grew a beard in New Zealand and am keeping it.
- I have a scar at my ankle because I couldn't stop scratching the spot for several years during my childhood.
- I used to wear my watch on the right wrist even though I'm not left handed. That changed with getting a smart watch.
- I like to eat apples with mustard
- Several points in this list have changed over the many years this page exists
- I married in Vegas, but there was no Elvis involved
- The first 20 minutes of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone always bring a tear to my eye
- to be continued…