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February Books

I only managed to read through 3 books this month (I'm half through a 4th), but that's okay. My goal is to read as much as I have time for, not to win a reading contest ;-)


After I liked Ishiguro's short stories so much last time, I decided to buy the work he's famous for. The story takes you into the psyche of an aging English butler. This is a very slow book, but fascinating nonetheless.


I like stories with bold and clever girls and this definitively is one. A solid crime story but very fun to read. Sometimes the dialogues where a bit over the protagonist's proposed age of 11, though.


Philip K. Dick is a classic science fiction author and this book is full of his finest short stories. I knew a few of them already. All the stories are heavily influence by the time they were made in and many spin the Cold War further on Earth and in Space. |

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