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Books for June

I nearly forgot to write my monthly post about the books I read. For June it's only two again:


This is the first novel of the Flavia de Luce series of which I read the second one in February. Again I enjoyed it very much, but I think the Hangman's Bag was a tiny bit better. I will probably read the rest of the series as well.


This was one of my favorite books in my childhood. It's probably out of print now but you can find used editions at amazon.de for cheap.

The story is about a Czech boy who's going to space with a broken elevator. He arrives at the “Fairy Tale Planet” where he falls into the debt of “the man with the black hat” and has to retrieve 3 bananas for him. During this quest he has endure various completely silly adventures until he finally can go home again.

I couldn't find anything about the author. I wonder if he's still alive. I'd love to create an ebook version of this book to preserve it for future generations. But of course somebody might still hold a copyright on this :-/

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