Quotes from the "Discworld" novels
fortune-discworld is a collection of quotes from the “Discworld” novels by Terry Pratchett
To install these fortunes, copy the .dat file to your fortunes directory (possibly /usr/games/lib/fortunes
). To use it, simply type: fortune discworld
Download: fortune-discworld.tgz
Guillaume Rousse maintains a Mandrake package of this fortune collection at the Penguin Liberation Front.
You Bastard was thinking: ...Delta squared. Thus, dimensional pressure k will result in a ninety-degree transformation in Chi(16/x/pu)t for a K-bundle of any three invariables. Or four minutes, plus or minus ten seconds...
The camel looked down at the great pads of his feet.
Let speed equal gallop.
The camel looked down at the great pads of his feet.
Let speed equal gallop.