
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Hüttenrode May 10th 1987


Bode Hike (Thale)

Today, dad, mum and I did a Bode Hike. We saw a lot:

First we've been to a calf's stable. That was still in Hüttenrode.

Then we were hiking for quite a while along the Bode when mum saw a slowworm.


The Bode is the largest river in the Harz region and the hike through its valley down to the town of Thale, is indeed very beautiful. It's about 12 to 14 kilometers from Hüttenrode.

I still have some pictures I took during this hike. These are some of the first photos I ever took myself with my own camera. Remember: no autofocus, no autoexposure, no live preview – just set everything as good as you can, take the picture and hope.

childhood, past, harz, photos
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