
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Binz-Berlin February 17th, 1987

Binz-Berlin, 1½ hours delay!

Do not touch!

Dear vacationer!

We welcome you to the recreation home “Rugard”.
Cozily furnished rooms and a variety of gastronomical establishments await you with sophisticated service.
The well-rounded offer of cultural and sportive activities allows every vacationer to follow his individual wishes.
Our staff strives to make your stay as diversified and pleasant as possible.
We hope you'll find the options from the abundance of opportunities that are right for you and wish you an eventful and relaxing vacation.

Please note:

We ask you, for your own safety and for the safety of the FDGB recreational home, to switch off the lights when leaving the room and to make sure windows and faucets are closed. Room keys are to be left at the reception. When picking up the key again your vacationer ID has to be shown.
The use of electrical devices is not allowed in your room.
We ask you to receive visitors in the lobby only.
Carried valuables can be stored in your room's lockable wall safe.
We ask you to avoid noisy disturbances.
At the date of departure you have to leave the room before 8 am. If you're leaving later, you can leave your baggage at the railway office.

Seems like railway service wasn't the most punctual thing in the past either. Interesting that we stayed in a smokers wagon. I think my grandma still smoked at that time.

I talked a bit about FDGB homes before. As you can guess from the rules, they weren't exactly your friendly service oriented modern hotel. On the other hand they provided a fairly good standard for relatively little money.

childhood, past, fdgb, rügen
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