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Printer Cupboard 2FebruarySome Thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077Printer CupboardJanuaryCan FIFODIY Disk Sander2020December"Wood" WorkingNovemberCheap Router Table & LiftFailure is always an OptionHome ImprovementOctoberDIY ICCB Wall BoxBosch PBD 40 CustomizationWorkshop UpdateMushrooms!SeptemberNew CompostRegular Expression to match Multi-ByteAugustRaspberry Print Server for Brother QL-500 Label Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality Game Reviews Part 3French Cleats and Wood StorageJuneMiniDLNA vs. MiniSSDP on Synology Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality Game Reviews Part 2DIY Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality Game ReviewsTable Saw Workbench with Custom FenceTrash Solution 3MayWorkshop UpgradesMarchMoved (House Update)JanuaryCustom Board Game Insert2019DecemberTrashy JukeboxHouse Status IIINovemberDetective Day Berlin 2019OctoberHouse Status IIHouse StatusSeptemberFrance Day 23France Day 22France Day 21France Day 20France Day 19France Day 18France Day 17France Day 16France Day 15France Day 14France Day 13France Day 12France Day 11France Day 10France Day 9AugustFrance Day 8France Day 7France Day 6France Day 5France Day 4France Day 3France Day 2France Day 1We bought a HouseHiking BavariaMore Steam Link AdventuresJulyBack to the BlogosphereHonor 9 Battery ReplacementDigitizing my Beer Can CollectionJuneElectro EtchingDIY BookMay100% less TentaclesAprilRetroPie Revision 2MarchShower ThoughtJanuary3D Printing Q&AOne-Mix Yoga 22018NovemberMaking the Fire HD 8 WorkRetroPieOctoberDIY "3rd Hand" Soldering HelperBack to the FutureAugustDrink More WaterJuneThinkpad X240 Arch LinuxMayDIY Digital Picture FrameThirteen Years…AprilHacking an EL-wire InverterFebruaryCustom reMarkable SleeveFile Sync API for reMarkable TabletJanuaryDIY Board Game2017NovemberNetwork TroubleProject: Personal Finance InformationOctoberWeekend Project: Label DesignerScotlandAugustSteam Link AdventuresHASS, DuckDNS and Let's EncryptJulyNew PhoneJuneAutomated Plant WateringMayMysterious Package CompanyAprilAdventure TimeJanuarySave Gmail Attachments to Google DriveThe Future is disappointing2016DecemberJavaScript CDNs by the numbersNovemberHello FreshMy 3D Printer sucksSimple Conky SetupHardware UpgradeDark TimesOctoberSimple Way to Label ImagesUSA West CoastSeptemberSome DokuWiki Plugin UpdatesAugustAdoptable Storage on Sony Z3CJulyPokémon GOMayEDC UpdateSimple Let's Encrypt on Debian/ApacheCarpentry - 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of the yearAndi needs...Setting up WPA encryption on Arch LinuxDokuWiki LeafletBuch: Per Anhalter durch das Mitmach-WebThe Spectacular Patched PirateHuawai 3G UMTS Stick on Arch LinuxDokuWiki Sync Plugin for SaleCeBit 2009FebruaryPlay Them All Firefox ExtensionDokuWiki 2009-02-14 - The ♥ ReleaseLast Minute Valentines Gift IdeaLexmark C530dn with CUPS on Arch LinuxNew ServerCustom Munchkin CardsThe Age of RobotsA Pirate Map with LibGD and Google MapsJanuary7 Things you probably don't know about meHow Groups Could be ImprovedThe Web 2.0 is not about youVisualizing Twitter with JavaScriptHagen Rether LiveHelp!Old and New DokuWiki PluginsDraw a Bunny!Installing grml on USB without a CD2008December25C3 2008 (number crunching cont'd)Setup DokuWiki on Free Hosting in < 15 MinutesThe Downside of a Free T-ShirtBacking up my Data7 Free WikiPedia iPhone Apps ComparedShirt for Post?Locosys Genie GT-31 GPS ReviewThe new Paypal is...NovemberNew Zealand Close UpsAnimals of New ZealandNew Zealand LandscapesFunny DokuWiki QuotesGeocaching with TangoGPSDokuWiki Beginners Screencast #2Customizing the toofishes EeePC Arch KernelDNS Tunneling made easyOctoberCreating GC Pocket Queries with a RadiusDokuWiki of the Month: ch!mer!c.deBoom BloxIs Contextual Advertising Bullshit?BarCamp Berlin 3Recovering JPGs from a Corrupted VFAT FSBug Squashing Weekend StatsiPhone GamingDokuWiki Beginners Screencast #1Wanna meet?SeptemberPrepared for the cold Season...Because everybody is doing it...More DokuWiki pluginsMake your Wiki Talk Like a PirateCalculating Color Contrast with PHPiPhone Software Review: RulerPhoneWikiSym 2008 Day 3DokuWiki of the Month: Wineskin MediaWikiSym 2008 Day 2WikiSym 2008 Day 1Arrived in PortoEnhancing iPhone Pics with LightzoneAugustDokuwiki HackdaysWiki Event CalendarAccessing the iPhone Location from a WebpageMy Favorite iPhone Apps (so far)Goodbye Twitter, Hello Identi.caThe Big DokuWiki Wiki ReorganizationPerformancing Ads ReloadedDokuWiki of the Month: The ShireiPhone [yes, another iPhone post on the web]JulyPoutine in BerlinWorking with Password Hashes in PHPProject Wonderful - The Bottom LineAddress ChangesDokuWiki Development VisualizedLittle BrotherMovedGetting rid of StuffGame Tip: WeewarDokuWiki of the Month: KustupediaJuneWhat is wrong in this Code?DokuWiki Birthday Cake PostGoogle Public RelationsDokuWiki Hack Days at FrOSCon 2008Universal Edit ButtonStillAliveDS - Portal 2D for Nintendo DSWeekend SummaryMSIE sucks (again)Inbox ZeroLive Video is still in its Infancy63 Questions AnsweredDokuWiki of the Month: OSFlashReusing SSH connectionsMayLinuxTag 2008Review: Snapfish Photo CollageWeekend SummaryI have Internet!HDR photography made easyDokuWiki on a Stick 2008-05-05Your Questions answered #4Weekend PhotosLinux MP3 Music Library ManagersDokuWiki of the Month: LOLCODENew DokuWiki ReleaseSpring in BerlinMoved from Debian to Arch LinuxAprilAdding Video to DokuWikiClassify Twitter Users with GreasemonkeyWebsite UpdatesNDS Homebrew Tip: LoneWolfDSAdobe Air on Linux - A Security NightmareGoogle Chart API via PHPMario Kart WiiOptimize Firefox for the EeePCConference WiFi SecurityDokuWiki of the Month: zshwiki3 Days re:publicaMarchDokuWiki Release CandidateCompiling a Portable Apache for LinuxAnother Happy Eee UserStallion BattalionLink's Crossbow TrainingProject Wonderful - An Adsense Alternative?Wie StudiVZ nur mit...My Photography EquipmentParis in ImagesCeBIT Impressions 2008DokuWiki of the Month: RangerwikiShort Trip to UsedomFebruaryKeeping your Home Directory OrganizedWhere's my Robot?Physics by PaintUnderstanding PHP code better with XdebugKilling your CreationGathering DokuWiki Usage DataFinding Professional Wiki Help...Securing your Mail Services with ChangesDokuWiki of the Month: Atheists of UtahWhich WiFi Smartphone is for me?DIY ScrabbleJanuarySetup Postfix and Dovecot on Debian EtchPoll: The DesignLifestreaming ServicesMixing WorldsList of Twitter CommandsFeed your Wii: Super Mario GalaxyMore Streetart Ads: OgoEntrecard Sucks?A Geocaching WeekendMusic for your Blog: Free Playlist ServicesDokuWiki of the Month: Terrestrial Orchid WikiNew York City ImpressionsHappy New Year!2007DecemberBig Apple GreetingsNDS Homebrew X-Mas Present: NetHackDSMySimple.php - A lightweight PHPMyAdmin 2007 (in numbers)Face Your PocketsOf Horses, Worms and other CrittersDokuWiki of the Month: EECS@UTKEntrecard - the better Blogrush?DokuWiki on a StickNovemberBlocking spam through HELO checks - the right wayI saved Zelda! 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Spamming Part Spamming Part 2ForumMatrixMiscellaneousInteractive FictionMayDokuWiki forum and sponsoringNew MP3 PlayerGreat Crappy MovieThe return of Mini Wiki1024 is the new 800Google as Browser HistoryAprilNew Design. 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how to stop auto indentingRegarding all your feedback and patchesAntiverpeil Howto für NerdsSearch Engine DecoderOnline again!!!A step closer to civilization...huuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiii2003DecemberMerry X-Mas and a happy new year!arrived@new_apartment.homeVideoDB bugfix releaseseveral broken stuffstill offline - a little updateNovemberInternal changes and new blogFurther down the spiral...2003-11-10October2003-10-252003-10-192003-10-122003-10-02September2003-09-03August2003-08-23July2003-07-272003-07-24June2003-06-10May2003-05-222003-05-132003-05-12April2003-04-28March2003-03-152003-03-13February2003-02-20January2003-01-272003-01-252003-01-212003-01-182003-01-052003-01-032002December2002-12-142002-12-062002-12-032002-12-01November2002-11-13October2002-10-182002-10-02September2002-09-202002-09-05August2002-08-312002-08-262002-08-202002-08-132002-08-07July2002-07-262002-07-212002-07-122002-07-02June2002-06-262002-06-252002-06-24May2002-05-312002-05-13April2002-04-182002-04-04March2002-03-192002-03-162002-03-112002-03-08February2002-02-282002-02-172002-02-122002-02-102002-02-062002-02-051987JulyBirkenwerder July 20th to 23rd 1987Birkenwerder July 19th 1987Birkenwerder July 18th 1987Birkenwerder July 17th 1987Birkenwerder July 16th 1987Birkenwerder July 15th 1987Birkenwerder July 14th 1987Birkenwerder July 13th 1987Birkenwerder July 11/12th 1987Rostock July 10th 1987Rostock July 7th 1987Rostock July 8th 1987Warnemünde July 7th 1987Rostock July 6th 1987Birkenwerder July 5th 1987Birkenwerder July 4th 1987MayHüttenrode May 16th 1987Wernigerode May 15th 1987Hüttenrode May 13th 1987Quedlinburg May 12th 1987Hüttenrode May 11th 1987Hüttenrode May 10th 1987Hüttenrode May 9th 1987MarchBerlin February 28th 1987FebruaryBerlin February 27th, 1987Berlin February 26th, 1987Berlin February 25th, 1987Berlin February 24th, 1987Berlin February 23rd, 1987Berlin February 22nd, 1987Berlin February 21st, 1987Berlin February 20th, 1987Berlin February 19th, 1987Berlin February 18th, 1987Binz-Berlin February 17th, 1987Binz February 16th, 1987Binz February 15th, 1987Binz February 14th, 1987Binz February 13th, 1987Binz February 12th, 1987Binz February 11th, 1987Binz February 10th, 1987Binz February 9th, 1987Binz February 8th, 1987Binz February 7th, 1987JanuaryBerlin January 4th, 1987Berlin January 3rd 1987Berlin January 2nd, 1987Berlin January 1st, 19871986DecemberBerlin December 31st, 1986Berlin December 30th, 1986Berlin December 29th, 1986Berlin December 27th, 1986Berlin December 26th, 1986Berlin December 25th, 1986Berlin December 24th, 1986Berlin December 23rd, 1986OctoberJocketa October 25th, 1986Jocketa October 24th, 1986Jocketa October 23rd, 1986Jocketa October 22nd, 1986Jocketa October 21st, 1986Jocketa October 20th, 1986Jocketa October 19th, 1986Jocketa October 10th, 1986Berlin October 17th, 1986AugustBerlin August 31st, 1986Berlin August 30th, 1986Berlin August 28th, 1986Berlin August 26th, 1986Berlin 25th August, 1986Birkenwerder August 23rd to 24th, 1986Birkenwerder August 17th, 1986Birkenwerder August 13th, 1986Birkenwerder August 9th to 12th, 1986Birkenwerder August 8th, 1986Birkenwerder August 5th to 7th, 1986Birkenwerder August 4th, 1986Birkenwerder August 3rd, 1986Birkenwerder August 2nd, 1986Zempin August 1st, 1986JulyZempin July 27th to 31st, 1986Zempin July 26th, 1986Zempin July 25th, 1986Zempin July 24th, 1986Zempin July 23rd, 1986Zempin July 22nd, 1986Zempin July 21st, 1986Zempin July 20th, 1986Zempin July 19th, 1986Berlin July 18th, 1986Birkenwerder July 17th, 1986Birkenwerder July 16th, 1986Birkenwerder July 15th, 1986Birkenwerder July 14th, 1986 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.