
electronic brain surgery since 2001

DMOZ dead - nobody cares?

The error page at DMOZ

If you try to submit a new site to the Open Directory Project currently you get a “Service Temporarily Unavailable” message. Judging from this forum message, this is the case for at least a month now.

So it looks like nobody seems to care about the death of the largest web catalog1). Human edited web directory usage has been declined anyway in the favor of crawler generated full text indexes like Google.

The special thing about DMOZ is that it is/was used by Google to enhance the full text search and in the Google Directory. So DMOZ was the darling of the SEO guys, but I think “normal” users didn't care about it anymore.

I wonder how Google will deal with the situation. Will they resurrect the DMOZ project? Will they take over the project completely, eg. adding their own submission page the Google directory? Or will they eventually close the directory?

dmoz, webservices, rant
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