
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Workshop Update

You may remember the miter saw stand Kaddi and I built back in May. The bottom part just had a plastic bin for scrap wood, but otherwise the space under the saw wasn't utilized at all.

I decided to change that and make a few adjustments. First I moved the back further in to divide the space between front and back. Since the stand is on casters and meant to be moved around anyway, it makes sense to have it accessible from both sides instead of having only one deep space accessible from the front.

For the back I found two cut-offs that had nearly the right size to be used as hinge doors. They were missing about a centimetre or so, but I decided I don't mind a little gap on the sides. So hinged doors with a magnet they became. One of the new compartments stores my rarely used router accessories. The other is yet unused.

On top there was just enough space to store the router and it's base. The spanner is mounted using magnet tape. The router bits fit right next to it. Perfect.

For the front storage I decided to keep using it for scrap wood. But the space had to be used more efficiently. Three IKEA Trofast bins are now used for the various smaller cut-offs. PVC pipes are used to store longer material. And then there's some space for a few larger pieces. Everything else goes back to the wood storage.

house, workshop, diy, woodworking, carpentry
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