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DokuWiki Birthday Bughunting Weekend

This Saturday, DokuWiki turned 6 – thanks to everyone who congratulated on Facebook or elsewhere :-).

But this wasn't the only thing happening this weekend. We also had another Bughunting Weekend. For two days, some of the DokuWiki developers gathered in the IRC channel and spent the time talking about and fixing bug reports. Fixing bugs in a group is much easier, because you can talk about possible solutions and can ask your peers for help when you can't reproduce something. It is also a lot of fun :-)

And because this makes it even more fun, here are the statistics:

Tasks Closed

Exactly 100 tasks where closed this weekend. Another 11 are currently waiting for feedback before they can be closed.

61 Bug Report
32 Feature Request
1 ToDo

Closing Reasons

Most of the tasks where closed because we fixed or implemented them, or because they where already working (eg. have been fixed previously).

22 Fixed
21 Works for me
19 Implemented
15 Won't implement
11 Not a bug
8 Won't fix
2 Duplicate
2 None

Task Types

Tasks came from all categories again.

20 Backend
18 ACL & Authentication
16 CSS, XHTML, JS, Browsers
15 other
12 Plugins
11 Syntax
6 Customization
2 Security

Hall of Fame

Thanks to everyone who participated!

65 Andreas Gohr
23 Gina Haeussge
4 Christopher Smith
3 Anika Henke
3 Michael Hamann
2 Guy Brand
dokuwiki, birthday, bugsquashing, bugs, statistics
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