Bug Squashing Weekend Stats
This weekend was DokuWiki bug squashing weekend. After the big success of the wiki reorganization we wanted to use a joint effort again to clean up the DokuWiki bug tracker. When we started on Saturday morning there where 271 open tasks. Some dating back to 2005.
Our goal was to collaboratively go through all open tasks and decide how to proceed. Many bugs could be fixed right away other tasks where closed because they did not fit the goals of DokuWiki or could be better implemented as plugin (avoiding feature creep is hard).
Just for the amusement of all contributors, I digged through the database to produce some statistics and graphs over what we accomplished this weekend.
Tasks closed

184 were tasks were closed this weekend.
117 | Feature Requests |
63 | Bugs |
4 | ToDos |
Closing Reasons

56 | Won't implement |
40 | Implemented |
34 | Fixed |
17 | Won't fix |
16 | None |
9 | Works for me |
8 | Not a bug |
2 | Deferred |
2 | Duplicate |
Closed Task Types

44 | Syntax |
29 | Backend |
25 | ACL & Authentication |
21 | CSS, XHTML, JS, Browsers |
21 | Customization |
20 | other |
13 | Plugins |
6 | Security |
3 | Localization |
1 | UTF-8/Unicode |
1 | Docs |
Hall of Fame

61 | Andreas Gohr |
58 | Michael Klier |
39 | Gina Häußge |
11 | Guy Brand |
8 | Anika Henke |
5 | Christopher Smith |
2 | Michael Hamann |
That was quite a successful weekend I'd say . Thanks to all contributors – you rock!
PS: Google Charts plugin in the works