
electronic brain surgery since 2001

splitbrain.org Changes

The poll results

About two weeks ago I asked you about possible problems with the splitbrain.org design. The results (see screenshot) suggest that only one third of my readers is happy with the current design. The others are either unhappy with the color scheme or the navigation.

Designing a completely new theme isn't on my schedule, yet. Should I decide to do a new one in the future, I'll keep your color preferences in mind ;-). Until then I did two minor changes.

First, I made the text in the floating margin/footer boxes much lighter. You shouldn't have any problems with reading the text now.

Secondly I added tags to my posts1). These tags will allow you to browse my blog based on topics you're interested in. Additionally the tags are used to display up to three related posts below each blog article. Both features should relax the “navigation problem” a tiny bit.

Please let me know what you think of the changes. If they fixed the problems you had before, consider to update your vote in the poll.

splitbrain, design, sitenews
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I'm still in the process of tagging old posts – please be patient ;-)
