
electronic brain surgery since 2001

New VideoDB Release and Wiki

Good news everyone! I just released a new version of VideoDB. It's based on the current CVS Version and works fine for me and many others. After more than a half year the last release was pretty incompatible with some changes in IMDbs site. Please: If you find bugs or have questions direct them to the Mailing List - there are many clever people who may answer you much faster than I do.

And now somthing completly different. Remember me ranting about available Wiki software in my last blog? I finally decided to write my own one. You can see it in action at http://www.splitbrain.org/dokuwiki/doku.php currently but that location may change. I will put up an download soon. I will move all my documentation stuff there so all of you can collaborate.

Thats it for today. I'm going to a barbeque today so whish me luck with the weather :-)
