
electronic brain surgery since 2001

404 - Bench not found

For the last week, we've been on a small vacation to the Baltic Sea and when we returned, our neighbors asked if we had experienced “the storm” up there. We hadn't and didn't think much about it.

But when I went for a walk with Tarly today, I understood what they meant by “the storm”. Lots of trees were down and some of the fields were pretty messed up. This must have been a pretty rough storm and we're lucky that our neighborhood seems to have been unscathed.

Broken off trees

Anyway, when Tarly and I reached the place where I had built a bench just two months ago, there was no bench in sight. Only this:

Fallen Oak Tree

Only on closer inspection I could find the bench under the tree.

Bench under Tree

The bench itself seems pretty much undamaged. So I guess the construction was quite solid. Unfortunately there is absolutely no way I could get it out from under that oak. So I guess I will have to build a new one some time.

diy, bench, storm, weather, photos
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