
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Draw a Bunny!

My Bunny Everybody seems to be grumpy these days. Everybody is ranting about Apple, Microsoft, Robert Basic, the governments and whatever else is happening right now. And everybody is probably right.

Still, I'm longing to read some positive stuff again. So until the days get warmer again and everybody cheers up a bit by themselves, I want to do my part by initiating another silly meme: Draw bunny!

Everybody knows that bunnies make the world a better place!

Here are the rules:

  1. Draw a Bunny (or more)
  2. Post it to your blog with the rules
  3. Name three other bloggers that should draw a bunny

You can draw your bunny however you like. Use pencil and paper, a drawing tablet or just your mouse. It doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter if it looks crappy or not. The important thing is the bunny!

Here are the first three people I'm tagging: xtaran, Kaddi, tante and selfthinker1).

And since I want the world to be a better place, everyone else is invited to participate, too.

PS: Don't know how to draw a bunny? Here is the video lesson I took2).

Update: I started to tag all participants with bunnymeme on del.icio.us - do the same if you like to help ;-). Here are the most recent ones:

Update: Check out foosel's cool graph of the bunny meme spreading.

meme, bunny, bunnies, drawing, silly
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