
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Meet me at RoCoCoCamp and LinuxTag

RoCoCo A few days ago I got a Mail by Evan Prodromu asking me to join several other wiki developers and enthusiasts at RoCoCoCamp in Montreal. This was on pretty short notice but I was able to still find a reasonable priced flight. I really looking forward to the event and the chance to meet other possibly like minded people. If you happen to live in Montreal or near by, why don't you visit RoCoCoCamp from 18th to 20th May?

LinuxTag logo If Canada is too far away you can meet me most probably at LinuxTag (30th May - 2nd June) in Berlin as well. Birgit Matthaei asked on the mailing list if any DokuWiki users will be there. If you are interested in meeting me or other DokuWikians please leave a comment or answer the mentioned mailing list post. We then can organize a meeting point.

I hope to visit a few more events this year, I registered on Upcoming where you can see where I likely will show up.

meetme, rococo, linuxtag, events
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