
electronic brain surgery since 2001

France Day 17

We left the camping area after breakfast and the daily dump/refill. Our first goal came via Atlas Obscura again: the "Serpent d'océan". It's an art installation depicting the skeleton of a snake located in the Loire delta. It's a fun photo spot.

At the other side of the river are the docks of Saint-Nazaire which was our next goal as there are several attractions there. Our primary objective being the Terrasse Panoramique which should have given us a view on another artwork only visible from this specific point. Unfortunately it being Monday the Terrasses and all other attractions like the submarine base were closed so we left again.

The day was rainy and we drove further north through on and off rain. Inbetween we had a little coffee break before we finally entered Brittany proper.

Our first stop was La Roche-Bernard which was a picturesque little town with some local artist shops, beautiful old stone houses and a nice view over the harbour. Very idyllic. We were just back at the car before the heavy rain started again.

Next was the old town of Vannes. We had trouble finding parking again and had to take multiple rounds around the harbor until we found a place. But it was worth it. The town was bustling (though with maybe a bit too many German tourists) and very beautiful. It had a very British or Irish flair and except for the language felt not much like the France we'd seen so far. We took our time to explore the town and were just back to the car again when the rain started again. We were really lucky.

We had put on our last fresh underwear just this morning so it was mandatory to use a camp ground with a washer and dryer today. I had picked one relatively close to Vannes.

Traffic and rain was quite heavy for a while but we finally arrived at the campground. We parked in heavy rain and Kaddi went to set up the washing machine while I prepared dinner: Mushrooms with bacon and pasta.

After dinner the rain had stopped. Kaddi set up the dryer cycle and we went for a nice evening walk along the beach of the Golfe du Morbihan. We even saw a pair of deer.

We spent the evening with more Quizoid and then went to bed.

france, vacation, photos
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