
electronic brain surgery since 2001

France Day 21

We took our time to get ready and have breakfast which was good because there was quite the queue at the dump station.

This was our last day and the goal was to end it close to Nantes. But of course there was time to have another sightseeing. We picked Rennes for that.

Parking was difficult again because all the signage for parking led to park houses. It seems the French do not have a different symbol for that as we do in Germany. In the end we found a space at the side of the road.

Rennes was nearly completely destroyed by a fire in the 16hundreds. So there's only a small medieval core surrounded by 18 and 19 century buildings. We liked the medieval part much better. We visited several churches and cathedrals which were all impressive in their own ways. And of course we couldn't skip on having another crepe/galette. This one was by far the best we had so we were glad we had made this stop.

Our place for the night was a small RV area next to a cemetery about 6km from Nantes. We packed our suitcase, had beer and chips out in the sun, had dinner (shrimp and tortellini in cream sauce) and went for a little walk before getting ready for our last night in the campervan.

france, vacation, photos
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