
electronic brain surgery since 2001

End of Year Wood Working

The year is nearly over, time to quickly post about the three last wood working projects.

The first was some firewood shelves. Since we had felled a tree in October and we had also ordered some commercial firewood, a proper storage solution was needed.

The construction consists of a simple frame, assembled with dowels and screws. For aligning the dowels I created a simple jig. Meanwhile Santa Claus brought me a proper doweling jig for next time.

To lift the whole frame off the potentially wet ground and make it height adjustable, I simply used M10 bolts as feet.

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The next project was for Tarly. On TV they recommended that larger dog's feeding bowls should not be on the ground. So I built a simple dog table.

The whole thing is built from pallet wood which I ran through the thickness planer and glued together. For strength I added a brace piece in the middle using a mortise and tenon joint.

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And the final project of the year was a simple rolling container/sideboard thingy for Kaddi. Something she can keep her scrapbook and materials in and which has room for some books and magazines, next to her favorite chair in the living room.

Again pallet wood planed to dimension was used. The rollers I had kept from some old furniture long gone. The finish is a lacquer/stain combo, it keeps the wood grain visible but protects more than just a simple stain.


That's it for this year. See you on the other side.

woodworking, diy, tarly
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