
electronic brain surgery since 2001


We're back from a three week vacation in Spain and this is the usual photo post. This time we rented a motor home1) again and saw a lot of different places.

I was positively surprised how diverse the Spanish landscape is. In my imagination Spain was always just hot and dry. But the real Spain has wonderful forests, mountains, rivers, plants and animals in addition to the huge amount of historic buildings from Muslim and Christian times and wonderful beaches. Spain is also much bigger than I thought – we could have easily spent two or three more weeks without running out of places to visit.

RSS Readers - I recommend to click through to the article to browse through the photos using the lightbox and your arrow keys instead of clicking each thumbnail individually.

We took about 2000 photos and I had a really hard time to choose the few to show here. I hope you liked the selection.

I'm never sure how many photos you're willing to look at in a single blog post. Was it too much? Not enough? Please let me know in the comments.

vacation, photos, spain
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no, I didn't drive – I'm not ready for a huge, rented car in foreign traffic, yet ;-)
