
electronic brain surgery since 2001

DokuWiki Hackfest Zürich

I'm back from Zürich and our second DokuWiki hackfest1). I'm still somewhat exhausted but very happy about this weekend as it was very productive and even more fun.

We started to work on several new features that should keep us busy for a while like creating a new default template and moving the DokuWiki javascript to make use of JQuery. There was also some work done on the parser, sitemap support and a new plugin to systematically audit ACL rules.

Håkan used the hackfest to finalize his DokuWiki Plugin Survey 2010, which again gives some really interesting insights into our plugins and plugin developer community.

The hackfest also provided the opportunity to talk about several organizational things. For example, we agreed on switching to a fixed release cycle with two releases per year and changing the license of our documentation. We also continued the discussion on reorganizing the work on DokuWiki by creating teams.

Busy hacking

More details on the state of development, decisions and discussions will be released through the mailing list and wiki over the next days.

Before I close I want to thank the FrOSCamp organizers for providing the space and infrastructure. Of course I thank all hackfest attendees for being there and commiting their time and skills to make DokuWiki better. And I'd like to especially thank Esther and Michelle for inviting us to their home for Raclette and to Pierre for being our sightseeing tour guide in Zürich. You all rock!

I hope to see you all again on the next DokuWiki hackfest at the WikiFest Berlin in November.

dokuwiki, hackfest, event, zurich
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