
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Dokuwiki Hackdays

The weekend is over and so are the first DokuWiki Hackdays ever. I had a wonderful weekend even though I didn't get much sleep. Meeting all those nice people I only knew from the net was as much fun as I thought.

Besides a lot of socializing, playing Mario Kart DS and having beer and cola we got quite a bit done on DokuWiki. The XML-RPC interface got a lot of attention and patches, from which the DokuWiki FUSE file system directly benefited. Some bugs were fixed and some progress with supporting DokuWiki farms was made. We also added some initial stuff for better supporting mobile browsers and discussed possibilities to add oAuth to DokuWiki. Last but not least we talked about how to improve the FCKW WYSIWYG plugin.

Many thanks to Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Chris Smith, Guy Brand, Michael Hamann, Pierre Spring, Florian Feldhaus and all those who dropped by to talk about DokuWiki1) – you made this a success. And a big thanks also goes to the FrOSCon organizers who made all this possible in such a uncomplicated way. Kudos.

I'm really looking forward to the next time and there will be one for sure. This was just too cool to not be repeated.

PS. Be sure check out Gina's post as well.

froscon, dokuwiki, hackdays, event, conference
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