
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Wiki Event Calendar

Wikis are about collaboration. It's no wonder there are many real life events around the topic as well. There are small grass root events like the Wiki Wednesdays in different cities around the world. There are big conferences like WikiSym and WikiMania. And many of the wiki engines have their own events too. Like the TikiFests from TikiWiki or the upcoming DokuWiki hack days.

But keeping up to date with what happens around wikis wasn't that easy in the past. Today my company released a new feature at WikiMatrix that should change that. It's called the Wiki Event Calendar and does what the name suggests. It is a central calendar on all wiki related events.

To make this work really well the calendar needs your help. If you plan to attend some event about wikis, or are maybe giving a talk about wikis somewhere, please check if it is already listed and if not, just add it.

To keep up with what happens in the wiki world, you can subscribe to the calendar via RSS and iCal subscriptions. Or you can search the upcoming events for locations or keywords at the website.

BTW, we also updated a few other things on the site. If you are looking for a wiki just have a look at WikiMatrix. Oh, and if you haven't blogged about WikiMatrix yet, do so! ;-)

wikimatrix, event, wiki, calendar
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