
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Finding Professional Wiki Help...

… just got a lot easier. You probably already know WikiMatrix, which helps you to choose the wiki that fits your needs best1).

Wiki Consultants at WikiMatrix

During the last two weeks me and one of our trainees at CosmoCode worked on a new feature – the WikiMatrix Consultant Marketplace. As the name suggests it's a directory of people or companies who provide wiki focused services, like consulting, training, customizing or general support.

Entries can be filtered by the provided services, the location of the business and the supported wikis of course. A basic entry is completely free. Premium entries can directly be bought through Paypal.

For this feature I worked with the Paypal API for the first time. It's a really simple REST API. What took most of the time was working with Paypal's sandbox server which was painfully slow.

For being online just for two days this has been a big success so far. Feedback has been very positive. There are even a few consultants for DokuWiki listed already.

wikimatrix, wiki, cosmocode, consulting, support
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Which is DokuWiki of course ;-)
