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My Favorite iPhone Apps (so far)

After a week with the iPhone it's time for another post :-). Apple's appstore makes it really easy to find and install interesting software for the little computer. Here's a list of software I really liked so far.

List and eye candy after the break.

Instapaper (free)

Instapaper combines a web service with a native iPhone app. The webservice lets you mark web pages for reading later through a simple bookmarklet. But instead of just bookmarking it, it does fetch a copy of the site and creates an easy to read text-only version of it.

When you sync the iPhone app (over the air) these stripped down text version as well as the full featured HTML page is pulled to your iPhone for convenient off-line reading.

Zenbe Lists (free)

Zenbe Lists is an application, Apple forgot to include with the iPhone software for some mysterious reason: a to-do list application.

Zenbe isn't too fancy. You can create to-do items and put them in lists. A nice touch is that you can sync your lists to a web service and even share a them between multiple people. The web service is not as featureful as Remember the Milk or Todoist, but is free.

Stanza (free)

Stanza is one of those tools where you can't believe it's free. Stanza is a book reader for the iPhone. What makes it so incredible is the built in library browser which lets you download hundreds of free books from Project Gutenberg and other sources. Eg. the recently recommended book Little Brother is available through Stanza.

Used Budget (1.59€)

This is a simple utility your service provider or Apple should have included. But of course they didn't. UsedBudget logs into your T-Mobile Germany account and fetches info about your used up minute and SMS contingents and warns you if you approach the limits of your contract.

Twinkle (free)

Twinkle is a nice looking Twitter client with a twist. Besides showing tweets and messages from your friends it can also display tweets by other Twinkle users in your proximity. An update with identi.ca support would this make the absolute killer app for me. If you agree, bug the developers about it.

Fahr-Info Berlin (free)

This app only interesting to people living in or visiting Berlin. Fahr-Info calculates public transit connections. It uses the iPhone's location services to find the nearest stations and can display the network plan centered at your current position.

Cube Runner (free)

This is very simple game using the iPhone accelerometer for controls. The gameplay is simple: avoid the cubes. To steer, you lean the phone to the left or right. Of course the speed of the approaching cubes increases over time… Simple but fun.

iSSH (3.99€)

The must have for every Unix geek. iSSH is a SSH client for the iPhone and quite usable already. What I miss is the possibility to do key based authentication.

Search Quest (free)

This is the swiss army knife to location based services on the iPhone. The interface is a bit confusing at first, but once understood it is simple.

There are two sceens. The first screen (“where”) lets you enter a position using various options. You can use the iPhone's GPS but you can also enter an Address and use Yahoo's geocoder for lookup.

The second screen (“what”) gives you the choice to use the position to do various things. This includes getting a list of Wikipedia pages about objects near by, mailing a Google maps link to a contact or to update Yahoo Fireeagle. Frotz (free)

Frotz (free)

I wrote about Interactive Fiction a while ago. Frotz brings IF to your iPhone, together with a big online library where you can download games for free. Unfortunately the program seems to be a bit buggy currently. After playing for a while it starts to slow down real bad and you need to restart it. I hope this will be fixed in an update soon.

Dice (free)

How often did you need a dice to play but had none available? Okay, didn't happen to me either. But this little app is just too beautiful to skip, even though it is quite senseless. It just displays up to five dices which you can throw by shaking the iPhone. It will even vibrate and make typical dice throwing sounds. Fun.

Got an iPhone? What are your favorite apps? Let me know in the comments.

iphone, apps, software, appstore
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