
electronic brain surgery since 2001

del.icio.us Spamming Part 3

Hmm… did we just talk about targeting web 2.0 for spamming?

Here is another somewhat different aproach: Pay users to bookmark your site. Well not everyone. Just one. Jakob Lodwick just started an experiment: He will pay $100 to a random del.icio.us user who bookmarked his page. Of course this page already made it to del.icio.us popular links with currently 2152 people having bookmarked it.

He does this as an experiment and everything is fun and clean, but again imagine he had put some advertising at this page: he would probably make more than the 100$ he promised to give away. Or imagine a company doing some kind of contest asking for del.icio.us bookmarks to raffle some swag.

Update: Okay it's no longer listed in the popular links. Looks like the del.icio.us team now manually(?) removes inapropriate links.

socialweb, advertising, spam, delicious, web2.0
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