
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Another WTF Snail Mail

Sometimes I get strange stuff in my inbox (see here or here for example).

Today I got this card. Here's a translation of the German text form the backside:

All the best for the new year.

For the new year we would like to introduce you to an ancient tradition: the Vadimonium Gratum experiences a comeback as a lucky charm. Its natural home is located mainly in the area by 52°31'6“ north latitude and 13°24'30” east longitude.

Even among the ancient Teutons the Vadimonium Gratum was considered a most important ingredient for the ceremonial happiness ritual at the beginning of the year. In this tradition, the crop must be picked under a full moon on a clear January night, then be cooked right after and be eaten before sunrise, despite its unpleasant taste.

Who faithfully maintains this old custom, is immune to bad luck and misfortune and is to expect a trouble free year. 1)

Oh-kay. Now what the fuck is this? Judging from the made up plant specification names (Securitas, Kollektiv, Assekuranz) I'd assume this to be some advertising for an insurance company or something similar. But there is no company name. Googling for "Vadimonium Gratum" does not return anything useful. The coordinates point to he Berlin city hall. Huh?

Did anyone else get this? What's this supposed to be? Did someone waste my (tax) money on it?

Update: Turn's out to be my bank wasting money.

wtf, letter, advertising
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The Original in German reads:
Alles Gute für das neue Jahr.
Zum neuen Jahr möchten wir Sie mit einer uralten Tradition bekannt machen: Das Vadimonium Gratum erlebt sein Comeback als Glücksbringer. Seine natürliche Heimat befindet sich vor allem in dem Gebiet um 52° 31' 6“ nördlicher Breite und 13° 24' 30” östlicher Länge.
Bereits bei den alten Germanen galt das Vadimonium Gratum als wichtigste Zutat für den zeremoniellen Glücksritus am Jahresanfang. In dieser Tradition muss das Gewächs bei Vollmond in einer klaren Januarnacht gepflückt, direkt im Anschluss gekocht und noch vor Sonnenaufgang trotz seines unangenehmen Geschmacks verzehrt werden. Wer diesen alten Brauch gewissenhaft pflegt, ist vor Pech und Missgeschick gefeit und ihn erwartet ein sorgenfreies Jahr.
