
electronic brain surgery since 2001

DokuWiki on a Stick in DropBox

Windows users seem to love the DokuWiki on a Stick edition. And sometimes someone asks if it is possible to install DokuWiki on a Stick inside DropBox1).

Of course it's possible. You could simply unpack the whole archive into your DropBox folder and be done with it, but this would keep really everything inside DropBox and thus would sync a lot of unnecessary stuff between your computers.

Since space and bandwidth is still a limited ressource when using DropBox, I recommend to keep volatile data out of the DropBox folder. This includes the data/cache, data/locks and data/tmp directories. To do so, create an additional local.protected.php config file in your DokuWiki on Stick installation:

 * Use the local temp directory for volatile files
$conf['cachedir'] = $_ENV['TEMP'].'/dokuwiki/cache';
$conf['tmpdir']   = $_ENV['TEMP'].'/dokuwiki/tmp';
$conf['lockdir']  = $_ENV['TEMP'].'/dokuwiki/locks';

This will create the needed directories in your system's temporary folder and tell DokuWiki to use these instead of saving cache data to your DropBox.

dropbox, dokuwiki, stick
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