
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Your Questions Answered #3

Which is the most expensive red wine?

The most expensive single bottle to my knowledge was auctioned in 1985 for $156,450. It was a 1787 Château Lafitte believed to be once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Most Expensive Wines with a 1997 Dom. Romane Conti for $1,540 at the top place.

How to restart an NDS Game?

Once a game was selected in the Nintendo DS start menu, there is AFAIK no way to return to the menu. The only method is to switch the device off and on again. Luckily the NDS boots pretty fast.

For homebrew games started from the R4DS menu, there is a method called Soft-Reset. Before starting the game make sure it is enabled. It is indicated by a green light in the top right corner of the lower screen. If it's red just tap it or press the right shoulder button. To return to the menu from a running game then, just press all buttons (LRYXBA) at the same time.

What Cell Phone was shown in "Die Hard 4.0"?

Die Hard 4.0 had a lot of different cell phones in it. But they had one thing in common: it where all Nokia phones. It's a while since I have seen the movie but I think I saw at least the N93, the E61 and the E90. But if you have certain scene in mind, just check the Nokia site - you'll find it there.

How to update a Google Preview Thumbnail of my Site?

Google Preview is a Firefox extension which adds website thumbnails to Google search results. If you find an thumbnail image to be outdated, you can request an update. Make sure to have a recent version of the plugin installed first. Then simply right click the thumbnail image and choose “Request update of GooglePreview image”.

Why do my Images look like Crosses when I upload the Site?

Broken Image Example Broken Image Example So you created your first HTML page and everything looks fine locally, but when you upload it to your webserver, suddenly your images won't work anymore. Instead you see a graphic like the ones on the right.

This is something that happened to me as well, when I started learning HTML. The problem most probably is you developing on Windows. Windows uses a case insensitive file system. This means if your image is named “Picture.jpg” but you reference it as “picture.jpg” in your HTML code, everything will work fine.

However most web servers run on some kind of Unix or Linux operating system which are case sensitive. This means your HTML no longer works on the web server. To fix the problem just make sure you use the same case in your filenames and HTML. To be on the safe side always use lower case.

How can I communicate with my Wii?

AFAIK there is no way to communicate with the Wii, except for using the Wii remote controllers. However there might be games coming which will open some other ways of communicating with them via Wireless LAN.

One example is Pokemon Battle Revolution which is said to be able to communicate with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl on the Nintendo DS.

By default no network ports are open on the Wii.

How to configure a new Plugin in DokuWiki?

If a plugin needs some configuration it should register the needed options with DokuWiki's configuration manager. It then will have it's own section at the bottom of the config page. But many plugins don't need any special configuration.

If you can't access the config manger because you're running DokuWiki without ACL setup or if the plugin didn't register it self properly you can configure it manually. Check the the plugin description for available config options and add them to your conf/local.php file.

How to include Google Adsense in DokuWiki?

The simplest way to add Adsense advertising to your wiki is to embed the Adsense script code into your template. Just edit the lib/tpl/<yourtemplate>/main.php and put the code provided by Google where you want to have your ads displayed.

Alternatively you can use one of the plugins listed here.

faq, wine, nds, images, wii, dokuwiki, adsense
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