
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Montreal in Autumn

I thought the nice warm autumn days are over, but today yesterday1) I had another such day in Montreal. My flight was in the late afternoon so I had some time to spent outside the congress halls.

I locked away my luggage at the bus terminal and went to a small cafe for breakfast. The fist thing the guy behind the counter said after I tried to order something was “Are you German?”. I guess my accent is pretty bad ;-). It turned out he was from Ahrensfelde which is just a few kilometers south of Berlin. Small world :-).

After having some eggs with bacon I used the subway to Ile Ste-Helene to do – what else could you do on a nice day – some geocaching. I wasn't too successful today, mainly because all the cache descriptions were in French. But I still managed to find half of the caches I picked.

During my walk I came across Habitat 67 which was built, like the whole island itself, for the Expo in 1967. It didn't looked as cool as on some photos I've seen on the net before, but it was still pretty impressive. I finished my day with a visit to the Biosphere museum, which is dedicated to environmental education.

Images and a GPS map after the jump…

montreal, geocaching, photos, autumn
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