
electronic brain surgery since 2001

France Day 11

We woke up to a very cold morning. So for the first time we turned on the cabin heater before climbing out bed. Of cause the temperatures quickly rose later when the sun came out.

We had leftover chili with a fried egg for breakfast, did the dump/refill thing and were on our way again. Today we finally wanted to reach the coast.

We skipped Bordeaux and went straight for the Bay of Archachon. We had another supermarket stop and also filled up the gas. Our goal was the Dune of Pilat. However our first attempt to park nearby failed and we got stuck in soft sand - not the sand of the dune but just missing paving. Luckily we could manage to break free by using our leveling pieces as a makeshift grip board.

We found better suited parking further down the road and were ready to approach the dune. Holy fuck is this thing huge!

Luckily there were some steps that helped climbing it. But even the last few meters that had no steps were totally exhausting. But then the view made up for it. There it finally was: the Atlantic. We sat a while on the dune, watched the paragliders and enjoyed the view.

For the next days we want to follow the cost up north. Today we wanted to have a look at the “silver coast” and picked a RV park there. Unfortunately Google maps seems not to know the area very well. It put us on a very bad road where all the turns it suggested were sandy forrest paths. In the end we had to return the whole road and do a different approach.

We finally made it. We connected to the electricity, got our swim suits and walked the 20 minutes to the beach. Not totally surprising, the Atlantic was freezing cold. We went in to jump into a couple of waves anyway before we returned to the beach to warm up in the sun again.

Back at the RV park it was time to prepare dinner. We grilled a huge piece of salmon and some sweet potato fries on a tiny one-time BBQ. Super delicious.

france, vacation, photos
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