
electronic brain surgery since 2001

DokuWiki Leaflet

You know this? You're wearing your DokuWiki T-Shirt and someone asks you what is so special about DokuWiki? Happens to me all the time1).

Wouldn't it be great to, instead of just explaining the greatness of DokuWiki, give out some marketing material as well?

Now you can. I created a PDF which gives a quick overview on everything that makes DokuWiki special. Just print it on A4 paper2), fold it and give it to anyone interested. Or just leave a small stack of those leaflets next to the coffee bar on your next conference, barcamp or company meeting ;-).

Download it here: leaflet.pdf

The leaflet is also available as SVG source and can be modified or translated under a Creative Commons license.

Go spread the word!

dokuwiki, marketing, business, leaflet
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if it doesn't happen to you, you really need a DokuWiki T-Shirt!
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