
electronic brain surgery since 2001

DokuWiki Beginners Screencast #1

This weekend I started with something I wanted to do for a long time – a screencast series for DokuWiki beginners. The short 5 to 10 minute videos shall explain basic DokuWiki concepts to new users.

This first screencast starts where every beginner starts and explains how to create your first page in Dokuwiki.

Remember this is my first screencast with audio so be gentle with your criticism ;-). But I'm open for tips how to improve future ones.

I already made another screencast dealing with using links and creating new pages in DokuWiki. It's not transcribed yet but I hope to release it someday next week.

Based on the feedback I get, I like to do a few more of those screencasts in the future. So please let me know what you like to see explained about using DokuWiki.

dokuwiki, screencast
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