
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Short Trip to Usedom

We spent the weekend with friends in a holiday home at Usedom - an island in the Baltic Sea about 2 hours from Berlin. The weather wasn't too great with a cyclone moving across Germany. But we managed to look for a few geocaches1) and do some sightseeing.

Usedom's younger history is dominated by military usage. First the Nazis did develop and launch the V-2 rocket on the island. Later the East-German army had air and marine forces stationed here. This explains the number of aircraft pictures below. If you're interested in the history behind the V-2 rockets, which killed thousands of people in WW2 but also lay the foundations for modern rocket science, I can recommend the HTI museum at Peenemünde.

Here are a few of the pictures we took at our Usedom trip.

usedom, vacation, photos
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