
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Your Questions answered #4

From time to time I answer questions that people used in search engines and where referred to my page even though my page does not answer that particular question.

I used to use 10³bees to get a list of questions, but this service is no longer free. Instead I manually searched the search phrases for typical question words in Google Analytics.

Here are your questions answered:

How to get your website on StumbleUpon?

The simplest way is to become a member at StumbleUpon, install their toolbar and stumble your own page.

But if you are wondering what flies and what not on StumbleUpon, I'd recommend reading How to Write Posts That Set StumbleUpon on Fire.

How to make NDS Homebrew?

I wrote multiple posts on homebrew hardware, applications and games. But if you want to write your own homebrew software I recommend having a look at the Introduction to Nintendo DS Programming.

How to make Google Reader show feed favicons?

To Google Reader all feeds are the same and get the same (blue) icon.

If you like to spice up your feeds with a little color you should install the Greasmonkey Firefox extension first. Then install the Show Feed Favicons script.

What is ad busting?

iPod adbusting - photo by antenne Ad busting is to modify or copy advertisements to make fun of the ad, the brands/concepts behind it or even to reveal an (unwanted) truth.

A common form is to modify poster advertising.

See also:

Which smartphones have WiFi?

More and more each day. A search at GSM Arena lists 138 different currently available phones with WLAN support.

Why is my Gravatar not appearing even after I uploaded my picture?

This could have two causes:

  1. Your Browser may still have the old image cached. Try to force a reload using Shift-F5 or Ctrl-R or whatever your browser uses.
  2. If forcing a reload doesn't help, it could be a cache issue on the Gravatar side. Just give it some time.
faq, stumbleupon, homebrew, googlereader, adbusting, smartphones, gravatar
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