
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Hüttenrode May 16th 1987


Blue Lake

Today we drove with the car to the Blue Lake.


Castle Ruin Königsburg


Then we drove to Rübeland and walked from there to Königshütte.

I guess we were tired out from too much hiking, so we took the car. I do remember hiking to the lake on other occasions. The problem with this lake is that it sometimes dries out completely.

When it's there and not already overgrown with algae it is indeed a very bright blue color (see Wikipedia for a photo). Since this was in May, my drawing is probably quite accurate (colorwise).

I'm not sure how accurate my drawing of the castle ruins of Königshütte are ;-).

This is the last entry in the first of my three holiday diary books. It seems also to be the last day of the May holidays.

past, childhood, harz
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