
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Berlin February 20th, 1987

I made lunch for the first time today. We had scrambled eggs with mashed potatoes.

This was one of my favorite dishes. If I remember it correctly I followed my my very first cook book to make it -Kochen macht Spaß:

It's good when children – not only the girls – learn to cook as early as possible. But it shouldn't be dry necessity and unloved chore. It shall be funny entertainment that brings enjoyment. This at least is what the author of this book imagines. Because of that she prefixed the different chapters with interesting introductions on the history of nutrition, picked easy to master recipes and completed them with a detailed description of the particular work steps. And those little readers that prefer to rather be outside than in the kitchen can try one of the dishes that can be prepared at a campfire or try one of the many suggestions of preparing provisions.
Recipes marked with a single star can be done by every beginner, two stars require a bit more practice and three stars are for the experienced cooking artists only.
childhood, past, cooking
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