
electronic brain surgery since 2001

A Pastebin with Line Comments

A pastebin is a useful thing to quickly talk about a piece of code. But there's one thing I learned from Github Pull Requests: it's super helpful to add comments to specific lines of code. I wanted that in a pastebin!

Unfortunately I couldn't find any pastebin site that offered line based commenting.

That of course had to be fixed. By yet another pastebin™!

So yesterday evening, I sat down and wrote a very basic pastebin script, payed 30EUR1) for a funny domain name and voilà: commie.io was born.

commie is a pastebin in it's simplest form. Paste code and it get's automatically highlighted by Google Code Prettify. You then can add line comments and share the link. That's it. Simple but works2).

commie, pastebin, service
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If it doesn't work send a pull request
