
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Adding Video to DokuWiki

Video Sharing Sites Video is an important part of the modern web. The introduction of Flash based players and the rise of websites like YouTube made this possible.

For inserting YouTube videos in DokuWiki pages, the YouTube Plugin by Ikuo Obataya existed for quite a while. But people like choice and everybody has their own favorite video sharing site. So people started cloning the YouTube plugin creating plugins for sites like Daily Motion or Google Video.

This bugged me, because all this copy and paste creates a lot of unnecessary code duplication. And really this became a problem when a XSS vulnerability was discovered in the YouTube plugin. While it was quickly fixed in the original plugin, the clones (some created by basically non-programmers) weren't.

So over the weekend I spent some time to write the Video Share plugin. This plugin was written from the scratch and with flexibility in mind. There's a simple config file to define video sharing sites. The syntax should be compatible to the youtube plugin minus the “link” syntax which can be easily achieved with DokuWiki's built in interwiki feature.

The plugin currently supports the following 13 services: YouTube, Daily Motion, Google Video, Revver, MetaCafe, Sevenload, Blip.TV , Vimeo, MySpaceTV, Jumpcut, Veoh , Eyespot and Clipfish. If you know of a video sharing site missing from that list, let me know and I see to add it.

dokuwiki, plugin, video, youtube
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