
electronic brain surgery since 2001

DokuWiki updated

After more than 5 months development I'm proud to announce a new DokuWiki release.

Users will like the new toolbar using the popular silk icon set and featuring two selection buttons for simple picking of smileys and special characters. The search feature was extended to work better with asian languages and now is able to do partial searches using wildcards. Page locks are now automatically refreshed in the background (using AJAX) as long as the user is actively editing a document.

Managing the Wiki became a lot easier for administrators because of the new administration plugins delivered with DokuWiki. You can now manage users, plugins and the configuration file through a convenient webinterface. The new romanization support is able to make page URLs for languages like Russian more readable.

Due to the new stylesheet dispatcher, template developers can use placeholders in their CSS files and configure colors and similar styles in a single ini file. Both, JavaScript and CSS files, are now whitespace compressed and cached on the fly by the central dispatcher mechanism.

This release had a major redesign of the authentication backend mechanism, making it much more flexible. The whole JavaScript was overhauled to make cleaner separation from script and HTML code and making the scripts unobstrusive. The HTML it self was cleaned to make it more easy for users whishing to change the doctype to XHTML strict. Extra care was taken to make sure autogenerated IDs are always valid and never clash with fixed ones from the GUI.

A lot of smaller bugs were fixed and many other improvements were made.

dokuwiki, release, ajax
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