
electronic brain surgery since 2001

My Top 7 Bookmarklets

Just a quick reminder: bookmarklets are small JavaScript links which can be dragged to your browser's bookmark tool bar. They make the daily life just a little bit simpler by providing new functionality in a easily accessible way.

What follows is a list of the 7 bookmarklets I use. They may be useful to you, too.

  1. bookmark! – this links to my own Scuttle installation. Scuttle is an Open Source web based bookmark manager which has support for public, shared and private bookmarks. Check their website to get your own.
  2. Google Translate – sends the current page to the Google translation service, unlike when using their web interface you don't need to give the source language. Google is clever enough to detect it it self.
  3. co.mments – I wrote about the co.mments service in February. Whenever I leave a comment in a blog somewhere, I hit this bookmarklet and will receive answers in my RSS reader.
  4. Pluck with Cookie! – converts a website into a plucker document for my Palm using my own Plucker Webinterface.
  5. Remove Redirects – some websites run all their links through some redirector to add a frameset or redirect you to some intermediate advertising. A hit on this bookmarklet will remove the redirecting scripts from links.
  6. Search this Domain – use Google to search the current site – pretty handy if the page has no own search engine.
  7. OnlyWire – uses the OnlyWire service to save a site to several social bookmarking services at once. I use this only occasionally to promote my own pages. It also gives users of the social bookmark sites an idea how to tag the page when they bookmark it.
bookmarklets, browser
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