
electronic brain surgery since 2001

House Status II

It's almost a month since the last post, time for an update.

All the wallpaper is gone (thanks to Anna for helping) and we have decided to do the electricity rewiring mostly ourselves. So our new painful pastime is sawing channels into the walls. For this we're now proud owners of a Mauernutfräse. It was actually cheaper to buy it than to rent one. It's not a very professional machine, but if it can keep its act together until we're done, I'm happy.

Sawing those channels is exhausting and suuuuper dusty. So of course we needed a shop vacuum as well. I read a lot of reviews on Amazon and finally bought an Einhell TE-VC 2230 SA which seemed to be one of the better options. Unfortunately that turned out not to be true. The suction on this thing uhm… sucked. So after trying to make it work for a bit, we decided to send it back.

Instead I picked a Bosch AdvancedVac 201). It seems to work much better, even through all the accessories are cheapish plastic.

However the fine concrete dust is hell for the filters. They need very frequent cleaning. For the future workshop I want to build a cyclone dust collector and I am wondering if maybe I should have made that build a priority…

We have some news on the contractors front as well. We have commissioned the sewage shaft restoration and the cellar windows. Both are currently waiting for the material delivery which hopefully happens any day now.

For the roof insulation we also got a couple more offers and one is very close to our initial budget plan. We commissioned that one, but haven't heard back, yet. :-/

We also have a possible craftsman for the bathroom remodeling who we found via Kaddi's parents. I hope he can find the time to fit us into his schedule.

Since we're doing much of the rewiring ourselves, we asked one of the electricians who made a previous offer to do the rest, but again haven't heard back, yet. Response behavior from all of these craftsmen is horrible. It's super annoying :-/.

We also did some work in the garden. We emptied the rain water barrels to be prepared for the winter. I raked some leafs and made a nice pile for hedgehogs and other animals. That was actually very relaxing :-)

And I can use all relaxation I can muster, because the whole thing is still very stressful. At least the current plans seem to fit the original budgets a bit better again. But we're still not at a point where the house is getting more livable – instead we're still breaking more things than fixing :-\.

And finally, because we deserve nice things, I designed us a door sign and had it custom laser cut :-D.

house, life, vacuum
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