
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Hello Fresh

A while ago we tried a Marley Spoon recipe box and really enjoyed it. So when my company asked if they could give us a little wedding gift we asked for another recipe box.

This time we had a trial voucher for hellofresh.de. So here's a review.

We were off to a rocky start:

I made the account and ordered the trial box on Tuesday, October the 25th. Unfortunatly HelloFresh has a rather long period you need to order in advance and since we wanted the box for a weekend I ordered it to be delivered on Friday, November the 4th.

Then life happened and we decided to visit Kaddi's brother for his birthday.

So on Sunday, October 30th I wrote to their customer service asking them to postpone the delivery for a week. I didn't hear back from them until 3 days later when I vented on twitter about not getting a response. Within minutes after my tweet they replied. Unfortunately they couldn't change the delivery anymore because of “processes”.

On the morning of Friday the 4th we were eager to leave, but were still waiting for the delivery of the box. It was supposed to come between 8 and 12. At 1 pm we finally gave up and left.

When we returned, no box was there. Neither at any of our neighbors nor at our door step. Again I wrote to the customer support. Again it needed a nudge via Twitter a few days later to get a reply. Apparently something went wrong with their “processes” and the box had never been sent. So a new order was set and we finally got our box last Friday – a month after I joined.

Their customer service was always very friendly when they finally responded, but all the delays seriously dampened my enthusiasm.

So what was in the box? We had three meals for two people:

Each dish had something I usually wouldn't eat (kale, cabbage, celerie) but I have to admit that it all tasted quite good every time. The cabbage dish was only so-so and could have used some bacon bits, but the other two dishes were really tasty. The beef ragout with mashed celery was my favorite.

The amounts were enough to get two people fed. The recipes were easy enough to follow, though a little bit more precision would have been nice. I also don't think they should expect you to have vegetable stock at home as they did for two of the recipes.

Overall this was fun again, but I think we enjoyed the MarleySpoon experience a bit more. Unfortunately they no longer sell gift vouchers which seems to be a really really stupid decision.

hellofresh, cooking, review, recipe, cookbox
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