
electronic brain surgery since 2001

Using Satellites to find Tupperware...

Reading the log book …is my new hobby :-). Don't know what I talk about? Geocaching of course!

In case you're still a muggle1): the idea is simple: You look up GPS coordinates on a website, then use your GPS receiver to navigate to the given waypoint. There a little box is hidden somewhere – it's called a geocache.

It sounds simple but having the coordinates doesn't mean the cache is easy to find. They are usually very well hidden and sometimes a few riddles need to be solved to find the final cache.

Cache Contents The caches come in various sizes. The smallest ones are usally a film box (those things from the pre-digital photography age), bigger ones can be real treasure chests. Each cache contains a log book where successful finders can log their visit with name and date.

The bigger caches usually have some loot as well. This makes it a real high tech treasure hunt. Of course to leave the cache valuable to other geocachers, you're asked to put something in when you take something out.

Kaddi and me found six different caches in the last days and looking forward for more hunts next year. Maybe we will hide one, too. Let's go geocaching :-)

aka. non-geocacher
