
electronic brain surgery since 2001

MTC and man.cx updates

OpenSearch support at man.cx Last night I let run my update script for man.cx to keep up with Debian's current testing distribution. This added about 20,000 new man pages increasing the current number of pages to impressing 81,175. I also tweaked some other things. A few weeks ago I added “apropos” support, which is the built in keyword search of the UNIX manual system. Very handy if you know what you want but can't remember the command. For better browser integration I added OpenSearch support. If you use Firefox 2 or Internet Explorer 7 you can add man.cx to your search box to quickly look up manual pages from your browser (See screenshot).

I also worked on the My Two Cents comment system. Some people were obviously disturbed about it showing commenter's email addresses1). Most commenters seemed not to have a problem with it or simply provided a fake address, but I changed it anyway. You're still required to enter a mail address (for Gravatar and MonsterID support) but it won't be shown anymore.

Instead I added a new optional field for your website to link your name to. Unfortunately this means most existing comments don't have any way to get in contact with the commenter anymore. I added the websites of a few people I know, but if you like me to update your previous comments with a website, just drop me a mail or comment here.

Tracking MTC comments at co.mments Following up my post about tracking your blog comments, I added co.mments compatibility to MTC, too. I did not get any official reply to my question on a recommended way, so I simply followed the mainstream and did what Wordpress does. Adding an id=“comment-XY” to each comment (with XY being the comment number) is enough to make co.mments recognizing MTC as trackable blog system.

man.cx, mtc, sitenews
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