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ConTagged - The LDAP Address Book

Today I did a new release of a software you may not know, yet. The software is called ConTagged and is even older than DokuWiki.

Search and Browse Like DokuWiki, ConTagged was born out of a need at CosmoCode. We needed a simple to use, web based company address book. There was only one requirement: it should integrate with common email clients. Well, the one protocol they all understand is LDAP. Since we already store our user accounts in LDAP, it was only logical to add contacts as well.

View an Entry The first version was created in early 2004 but the decision to release it as GPLed Open Source was not done until November 2005. Back then the software was still called LDAPab. Since then there where only four releases. Because it is a very low priority project at our company there isn't much development usually.

A tag cloud But I'm especially proud of the current release which time warped the code base back to the present. It is now a very flexible LDAP based address book. It features a company wide directory as well as personal directories for each user. All contacts can be tagged and notes can be added. The design is nice looking and XHTML valid. JQuery adds all the niceties you expect from a modern web application like auto completion and lightbox style image displays. Oh, and because my boss loves them, there are Google maps as well :-).

Google Maps, Yeah! So what I'm trying to say is this: if you already use LDAP and want a simple contact management, you might want to have a look at ConTagged :-).

PS: Before you ask: No, ConTagged is not related/dependent/integrated with DokuWiki. However using an interwiki link to link from the wiki to the address directory works great ;-).

ldap, addressbook, contagged
