
electronic brain surgery since 2001

France Day 15

We skipped breakfast and left right after dumping/refill. We had no real goal except for a vague “go north along the coast”. We weren't driving for long when we came through little town of Talmont. What a difference to the abandoned villages of yesterday. This one was full of people and stores. One thing caught our eye: a market hall. We parked and started to explore the town.

The market hall was small but had all the merchants you'd expect: a fish and a cheese monger, a vegetable stand, a baker and some other local produce and souvenirs. It looked all very delicious but for our lack of French and will of communication we didn't buy anything. Next stop was the post office where we managed to buy stamps for postcards.

We also had seen a castle ruin when we entered the village so that was our next stop. The woman at the ticket counter spoke good English and we got an audio guide and got going. Unfortunately the guide stopped working on the second station so I went back and got it exchanged. The woman also let me know that she would close the shop in half an hour (it was noon) but we could continue our visit and just leave the guide at the door. 🤷‍♂️

The audio guide was interesting in that it was narrated in first person from the perspective of the castle itself. A bit weird but Kaddi enjoyed it very much. The castle seems to be more lively with shows, live action demonstrations etcetera during high season, but at this time of the year it's just the ruins to look at. It was nice though.

Back at the car it was finally time for breakfast. We had remembered that we had bought flour at our very first supermarket visit. Time to have some campervan pancakes!

Our next stop was in Bretignolles-sur-Mer even though we were super annoyed with the town. It overlooks the Atlantic and has several parking spots right at the cliffs, but all of them are height restricted. In the end we found a spot and headed to the beach. We did a walk along it and returned through the town. It was really nice but the wind was icy.

I had found an official RV park right next to the sea (behind the dunes though) and that's where we headed next.

We sat up camp and went to the beach again. We watched a single kite surfer for a while and it was super impressive. Back at the RV we put our camping chairs in the sun right next to the van where we where protected from the wind. We had dinner (chorizo, vegetables and feta) and opened the second bottle of our wine. It was a wonderful evening and we manged to drink the whole bottle. A bit tipsy we went back inside and wrote our post cards. A bit of Quizoid was our evening entertainment before we went to bed.

france, vacation, photos
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